Cat Advice

Dental health in dogs, cats and rabbits

Dental health in dogs, cats and rabbits

Dental disease is common in dogs and cats, and it’s important to take your pet for regular dental check-ups and maintain good dental care at home…

Cat in the sun

Staying safe in the sun

Summer is here, and with the (hopefully!) warmer weather and longer days comes our latest round of tips for keeping your pet safe this season…

Dog with microchip scanner

Why you should always microchip your pets?

Having your pet microchipped is an important part of owning an animal. Each microchip has a unique code which is linked…

Intestinal worms in dogs and cats

Intestinal worms in dogs and cats

Roundworms and tapeworms can affect dogs and cats, and live inside their digestive tracts. Puppies and kittens can be infected with roundworms from…

Allergies in pets

Allergies in pets

Pets can be allergic to several things, including fleas, foods and environmental factors. Allergic skin conditions can lead to itchy, red skin…

Spring Hazards

Spring Hazards

Easter is a time for family get-togethers, Easter egg hunts, the end of lent, and a touch of spring cleaning. However, there are a few spring dangers…

Dog with anxiety

How to help your pet’s anxiety

Pets feel stress naturally from time to time, but feeling too much stress, often, can lead to long-term problems like anxiety…

How to keep your pets’ teeth clean and healthy?

How to keep your pets’ teeth clean and healthy?

Cleaning your pet’s teeth daily is just as important as you cleaning your teeth. Here are some helpful tips on how to keep your pets’ teeth clean and healthy…